What is PyAutoGalaxy?#

Nearly a century ago, Edwin Hubble famously classified galaxies into three distinct groups: ellipticals, spirals and irregulars. Today, by analysing millions of galaxies with advanced image processing techniques Astronomers have expanded on this picture and revealed the rich diversity of galaxy morphology both in the nearby and distant Universe.

PyAutoGalaxy is an open-source Python 3.8 - 3.11 package for analysing the morphologies and structures of large multi-wavelength galaxy samples. PyAutoGalaxy makes it simple to model galaxies, for example this Hubble Space Telescope imaging of a spiral galaxy:


PyAutoGalaxy also fits interferometer data from observatories such as ALMA:


Getting Started#

The following links are useful for new starters:


Core features include fully automated Bayesian model-fitting of galaxy two-dimensional surface brightness profiles, support for dataset and interferometer datasets and comprehensive tools for simulating galaxy images. The software places a focus on big data analysis, including support for hierarchical models that simultaneously fit thousands of galaxies, massively parallel model-fitting and an SQLite3 database that allows large suites of modeling results to be loaded, queried and analysed.

The software comes distributed with the HowToGalaxy Jupyter notebook lectures, which are written assuming no previous knowledge about galaxy structure and teach a new user theory and statistics required to analyse galaxy data. Checkout the howtogalaxy section of the readthedocs.

An overview of PyAutoGalaxy’s core features can be found in the overview section of the readthedocs.

Galaxy Morphology & Structure#

The study of galaxy morphology aims to understand the different luminous structures that galaxies are composed of. Using large CCD imaging datasets of galaxies observed at ultraviolet, optical and near-infrared wavelengths from instruments like the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Astronomers have uncovered the plentiful structures that make up a galaxy (e.g. bars, bulges, disks and rings) and revealed that evolving galaxies transition from disk-like structures to bulge-like elliptical galaxies. At sub-mm and radio wavelengths interferometer datasets from instruments like the Atacama LAM (ALMA) have revealed the integral role that dust plays in forming a galaxy in the distant Universe, early in its lifetime. Studies typically represent a galaxy’s light using analytic functions such as the Sersic profile, which quantify the global appearance of most galaxies into one of three groups: (i) bulge-like structures which follow a dev Vaucouleurs profile; (ii) disk-like structures which follow an Exponential profile or; (iii) irregular morphologies which are difficult to quantify with symmetric and smooth analytic profiles. Galaxies are often composed of many sub-components which may be a combination of these different structures.

In the next decade, wide field surveys such as Euclid, the Vera Rubin Observatory and Square Kilometer array are poised to observe images of _billions_ of galaxies. Analysing these extremely large galaxy datasets demands advanced Bayesian model-fitting techniques which can scale-up in a fully automated manner. Equally, the James Webb Space Telescope, thirty-meter class ground telescopes and ?radio? will observe galaxies at an unprecedented resolution and level of detail. This demands more flexible modeling techniques that can accurately represent the complex irregular structures one such high resolution observations reveal. PyAutoGalaxy aims to meet both these needs, by interfacing galaxy model-fitting with the probabilistic programming language PyAutoFit to provide Bayesian fitting tools suited to big data analysis alongside image processing tools that represent irregular galaxy structures using non-parametric models.

How does PyAutoGalaxy Work?#

At the heart of the PyAutoGalaxy API is the Galaxy object, which groups together one or more LightProfile objects at an input redshift. Passing these objects a Grid2D returns an image of the galaxy(s), which can subsequently be passed through Operator objects to apply a 2D convolution or Fast Fourier Transform and thereby compare the Galaxy’s image to an imaging or interferometer dataset. The inversion package contains a range of non-parametric models which fit a galaxy’s light using a Bayesian linear matrix inversion. The astropy cosmology module is used to handle unit conversions and calculations are optimized using the packages NumPy [@numpy], numba [@numba] and PyNUFFT [@pynufft].

import autogalaxy as ag
import autogalaxy.plot as aplt

To describe the galaxy emission two-dimensional grids of (y,x) Cartesian
coordinates are used.
grid = ag.Grid2D.uniform(
    shape_native=(50, 50),
    pixel_scales=0.05,  # <- Conversion from pixel units to arc-seconds.

The galaxy has an elliptical sersic light profile representing its bulge.
    centre=(0.0, 0.0),
    ell_comps=ag.convert.ell_comps_from(axis_ratio=0.9, angle=45.0),

The galaxy also has an elliptical exponential disk
disk = ag.lp.Exponential(
    centre=(0.0, 0.0),
    ell_comps=ag.convert.ell_comps_from(axis_ratio=0.7, angle=30.0),

We combine the above light profiles to compose a galaxy at redshift 1.0.
galaxy = ag.Galaxy(redshift=1.0, bulge=bulge, disk=disk)

We create a Plane, which in this example has just one galaxy but can
be extended for datasets with many galaxies.
plane = ag.Plane(

We can use the Grid2D and Plane to perform many calculations, for example
plotting the image of the lensed source.
plane_plotter = aplt.PlanePlotter(plane=plane, grid=grid)

To perform model-fitting, PyAutoGalaxy adopts the probabilistic programming language PyAutoFit (https://github.com/rhayes777/PyAutoFit). PyAutoFit allows users to compose a model from LightProfile and Galaxy objects, customize the model parameterization and fit it to data via a non-linear search (e.g., dynesty [@dynesty], emcee [@emcee], PySwarms [@pyswarms]). By composing a model with Pixelization objects, the galaxy’s light is reconstructed using a non-parametric rectangular grid or Voronoi mesh that accounts for irregular galaxy morphologies.

import autofit as af
import autogalaxy as ag

import os

Load Imaging data of the galaxy from the dataset folder of the workspace.
dataset = ag.Imaging.from_fits(

Create a mask for the data, which we setup as a 3.0" circle.
mask = ag.Mask2D.circular(
    shape_native=dataset.shape_native, pixel_scales=dataset.pixel_scales, radius=3.0

We model the galaxy using an Sersic LightProfile.
light_profile = ag.lp.Sersic

We next setup this profile as model components whose parameters are free & fitted for
by setting up a Galaxy as a Model.
galaxy_model = af.Model(ag.Galaxy, redshift=1.0, light=light_profile)
model = af.Collection(galaxy=galaxy_model)

We define the non-linear search used to fit the model to the data (in this case, Dynesty).
search = af.Nautilus(name="search[example]", n_live=50)

We next set up the `Analysis`, which contains the `log likelihood function` that the
non-linear search calls to fit the lens model to the data.
analysis = ag.AnalysisImaging(dataset=masked_dataset)

To perform the model-fit we pass the model and analysis to the search's fit method. This will
output results (e.g., dynesty samples, model parameters, visualization) to hard-disk.
result = search.fit(model=model, analysis=analysis)

The results contain information on the fit, for example the maximum likelihood
model from the Dynesty parameter space search.