
Pip Version#

If an error message appears after trying to run pip install autogalaxy first make sure you are using the latest version of pip.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --upgrade pip

Pip / Conda#

If you are trying to install via pip but still haing issues, we recommend you try to install via conda instead, or visa versa.


If you are still having issues with installation, please raise an issue on the PyAutoGalaxy issues page with a description of the problem and your system setup (operating system, Python version, etc.).

Current Working Directory#

PyAutoGalaxy scripts assume that the autogalaxy_workspace directory is the Python working directory. This means that, when you run an example script, you should run it from the autogalaxy_workspace as follows:

cd path/to/autogalaxy_workspace (if you are not already in the autogalaxy_workspace).
python3 examples/model/beginner/

The reasons for this are so that PyAutoGalaxy can:

  • Load configuration settings from config files in the autogalaxy_workspace/config folder.

  • Load example data from the autogalaxy_workspace/dataset folder.

  • Output the results of models fits to your hard-disk to the autogalaxy/output folder.

If you have any errors relating to importing modules, loading data or outputting results it is likely because you are not running the script with the autogalaxy_workspace as the working directory!

Matplotlib Backend#

Matplotlib uses the default backend on your computer, as set in the config file:


If unchanged, the backend is set to ‘default’, meaning it will use the backend automatically set up for Python on your system.

  backend: default

There have been reports that using the default backend causes crashes when running the test script below (either the code crashes without a error or your computer restarts). If this happens, change the config’s backend until the test works (TKAgg has worked on Linux machines, Qt5Agg has worked on new MACs). For example:

  backend: TKAgg